Favourite Things…

Music that makes me dance. Making my friends smile. Chocolate everything. Sitting on the bed, snuggled up reading a book. Playtime with my little nieces and hearing them laugh. Pages after pages of written words from my mind. Hours of crafting a drawing. Waking up to rainy mornings. Singing in the car with friends. Cats. Kittens. Listening to my mum laugh. Cooking a meal for my family. Watching a good movie. Playing the ukulele. Playing the guitar.

These are a few of my favourite things.

You’d think that happiness is complicated and expensive. But when you really pay attention, you can find happiness is simple and it’s abundant in our everyday lives.

Sure, an all-expense paid trip to London would make me a very, very happy girl. But I’m pretty content chatting up with a couple of friends in a cafe, listening to good music.

On another note, I haven’t listened to this song in years. Surely everyone knows this song, right?

Happy Thursday, everyone.